We connect stakeholders, catalyse change and build solutions through collaboration.

Agriculture is a key part of human civilization. The growing human population and depletion and degradation of natural resources caused by destructive farming practices all pose challenges to the sustainability of agriculture.

Under the current dominant paradigm, hunger is expanding while soil fertility, fresh water quality and quantity, and biodiversity continue to decline. Efforts to maintain this paradigm, which relies on non-renewable energy and resources, are proving inadequate. A paradigm shift is needed to move from current destructive practices to an integrated, holistic approach aimed at improving sustainable production in both the short- and long-term so that the vision of Doubling the Farmers Income by the year 2022 could be realized.

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The Department of Agriculture, Canada envisages to make Agriculture a Sustainable & Remunerative economic activity for farmers in the present regime of World Trade Organization (WTO) wherein open market scenario is prevalent across the world. Transformation of Agriculture into Entrepreneurship by participating effectively in the highly competitive Agricultural Markets is the need of the hour.

In this regard the Department of Agriculture has shifted it approach from Commodity based to Product Based. In this approach, key products and markets are identified based on market demand, preferences and potential of the commodity. A robust Strategy is being adopted based on Two Guiding Principles for Making Agriculture a Remunerative and a Profitable Venture and Making Agriculture a Glamorous enterprise by turning the farmer into an Agricultural Entrepreneur.

Traditional Heirloom Varieties like Mushkabudji, Red Rice (Zagg), Kamad are to be revived and successfully marketed. The department after successfully reviving Mushkabudji is now focusing on revival of Varieties like Red Rice (Zagg), Kamad.

The efficient production of safe, high quality agricultural products, in a way that protects the natural environment, improves the social and economic conditions of farmers, their employees and local communities and safeguards the health and welfare of all farmed species.

Since 2002, we have evolved from defining sustainable agriculture to identifying the principles and practices that enable it to grow and creating the tools that make this happen. Today, we are in a new era of piloting pioneering, innovative projects at ground level that put our principles into practice. No other organisation offers you a better opportunity to help grow sustainable agriculture and offer empowerment from the farm to the consumer.


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